Real Name: Georg Ruthenberg
Born: August 5th, 1959
Bands Pat has been in: Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Mike Watt, The Germs, 45 Grave, Deathfolk, Nina
Hagen, Tater Totz, Vagina Dentata, Twisted Roots, Ruthensmear
Musical Influences: Growing up
Pat was inspired by: Michael Bruce and Glen Buxton (Alice Cooper Group), Stevie Howe (Yes), Mick Ronson (David Bowie),
Brian May (Queen), and Joan Jett (Runaways)
About Pat: Pat Smear started his
music career in the Germs. He has seen been more famous for being in Nirvana (1993-1994) and also the Foo Fighters. He has
appeared in No Doubt's video "Don't Speak" and also Prince's video "Raspberry Duet". Even thought pat is NOT a actor
he says. Pat's favorite guitars are Hagstrom.